Oct 13, 2009

Big News, Small News, BREAKING NEWS

BREAKING NEWS first. Indian goats are quite possibly the stupidest of the domesticated mammals. All I'm saying is, if you're a goat in a goat market and you see other goats being slauhgtered in the street and goat heads being tossed around with relative abandon, perhaps you, an untethered goat, should at least try to make an escape. Seriously, man, even the chickens know when to panic.

The small news is that because I'm writing on this blog a lot more than I expected (I'm usually at a loss for anything better to do late at night), I've been gradually upgrading the site for a couple days. So now we have.....

~~~!!NeW fEaTuReS!!~~~

1)Labels/tags on posts. Each post is now indexed to the relevant cities, states, or major landmarks. These labels can be accessed from the list below the blog archive, or if you like as keywords in the little google bar. I am considering adding thematic tags too, in case for any reason somebody would want to read all my posts about, say, cows. But right now I'm too lazy for that.

2)"Where Am I?" feature with embedded interactive google map showing my location in India as of my latest blog or gmail logon, located to the right of the posts. I'd like to make this capable of tracking my travels but getting this to work while shifting between many computers may be beyond my meager technical skills. Also the map centering is being a little awkward, but it's interactive so you can just zoom out or whatever.

3)Comments are now open to anyone with a gmail account. Also I now receive notices when comments are left, so that I actually read them.

And now for the big news! I'm chilling in Varanasi (Benares to you old-timers), which is pretty much the coolest place ever. I've been making a bunch of contacts here and am setting this city up as my part-time base of operations when I'm not on the road. So now I'm only 80% homeless! Edit: so, Varanasi didn't actually become my pad. Rajasthan was where it's at. More about Varanasi later. A full report on its awesomeness will be issued, as well as a beginner's guide to buffalo herding. Word is bond.

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