Sep 21, 2009

Enter The Blog (36 Chambers)

Behold a blog. A blog like no other. A blog wherein I write about my adventures in India without somehow infringing upon my job, writing about adventures in India. They call me Ghostface Buddha.

For those who don't know, I am now employed by a pair of businessmen with questionable judgment who have seen fit to pay me money to go to India, do whatever I want, and write articles for a new online travel guide for young people that will be launched (hopefully) in April. There are other writers crawling all over the various countries in Europe accumulating content for the site. Long story short, I contacted these people, said I wanted to do India for their company, and sent in an application consisting of -I shit you not- a mediocre journal entry about Paris, a list of countries I've traveled to, a "Weekly Wednesdays" email about Asia, and a vague indication that I would be willing to sell my soul for a trifling fee that may or may not cover the price of living in a poverty-stricken third-world country.

Alas, it is with a heavy heart that I tell you that I may not prematurely release material I write for work. I am, however, incredibly unprofessional and will bend the rules as much as I can manage.

In short, owing to my obligations and my character, you can not expect from this blog:
-Travel tips, reviews, or any form of generally useful information covered in my articles.
-Propper spelling; Grammar; puntuation.

You may expect:
-Ribald tales
-Incoherent and/or inane musings
-Occasional flights of literary grandeur
-Graphic descriptions of exotic gastrointestinal ailments
-Gratuitous hip-hop references
-Periodic evidence that I am not, in fact, dead.

Well I'm still in America so I may as well finish off with a little teaser. Here is a bonus travel article about Falls Church, Virginia.
"It sucks."

Next time I post here I'll presumably be in Delhi and actually have something worth saying. Til' then...LATERZ